Glencoe Math Course 2 Volume 1 Common Core Student Edition Chapter 3 Integers Exercise 3.2

Glencoe Math Course 2 Volume 1 Common Core Chapter 3 Integers Exercise 3.2


Page 203  Exercise 1 Problem  1

If you would increase the temperature by −5° then you would obtain a temperature of 0°

−5° +5° =0°

Finally, we concluded that the temperature that would make the sum of the two temperatures 0° ⇒ 5°


Page 204  Exercise 1  Problem  2


−5 + ( −7) = _____

To Find – The sum.


​−5 + (−7) = −12

⇒ −12

​−5 + (−7) =  −12

Number line:


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 graph 1

Finally, we find the sum  ⇒ −12



−10 + (−4)=_____

To Find –The sum.


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 2

−10 + (−4)= -14

Finally, we find the sum  ⇒ −14



−14 + (−16) =

To Find – The sum.


−14 + (−16) = −30

⇒ −30

Number line:


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 3

Finally, we find the sum ⇒ −30



6 + (−7)=_____

To Find-  The sum.

Consider the operation given and simplify

​6 + (−7) = −1

⇒ −1

Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 4

The value of 6 + (−7) is −1



−15 + 19 =_____

To Find – The sum.


​−15 + 19 = 4

⇒ 4

Number line:


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 5

Finally, we find the sum  ⇒ 4



10 + (−12) =_____

To Find – The sum.

10 + (−12) =−2

= −2


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 6

Finally, we find the sum ⇒−2



−13 + 18 =_____

To Find –  The sum.

−13 + 18 = 5

= 5


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 7

Finally, we find the sum ⇒ 5



−14 + (−6) + 6 =_____

To Find – The sum.

Consider the operation given and simplify

​−14 + (−6) + 6 = −14 + 0

= −14

Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 204 Exercise 1 , graph 8

The value of −14+(−6)+6 is−14



The temperature is−3°.An hour later it drops 6° and 2 hours later it rises 4°

To Write an additional expression to describe this situation. Then find the sum and explain its meaning

The temperature drops can best be represented by a negative number, while the temperature rise back is positive number.

−3−6 + 4 =−9 + 4 = 5

= 5

Finally we find the sum ⇒ −3− 6 + 4 = 5


Page 206  Exercise 1  Problem  3


−6 + (−8) =_____

To Find –  The sum.

−6 + (−8) = −14

= −14

Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 206 Exercise 1 graph

Finally, we find the sum  ⇒ −14


Page 206  Exercise 2  Problem  4


−3 + 10 =_____

To Find – The sum.

Consider the operation given and simplify

​−3 + 10 =7

⇒ 7

Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 206 Exercise 2 graph

The value of−3 + 10 is  7


Page 206  Exercise 3  Problem  5


−8 + (−4) + 12 =_____

To Find –  The sum.

−8 + (−4) + 12 = − 12 + 12 = 0

⇒  0


Glencoe Math Course 2, Volume 1, Common Core Student Edition, Chapter 3.2 Add integers Page 206 Exercise 3 graph

Finally, we find the sum ⇒ 0


Page 206 Exercise 4   Problem  6


Sofia owes her brother $25

She gives her brother the $18

To write an addition expression.

The amount owed can best be represented by a negative number, while the amount paid back is a positive number.

− 25 + 18 − 7

= −7

This means that Sofia still owes her brother

Finally, we write the addition expression ⇒ −25 + 18 = −7


Page 206  Exercise 5  Problem  7

The sum is positive

If the absolute value of the negative number is less than the absolute value of the positive number

If both numbers are positive The sum is negative

If the absolute value of the negative number is greater than the absolute value of the positive number

If both numbers are negative The sum is zero

If the absolute value of both integers is equal and if one is positive while the other is negative

Finally, we concluded that we can find a sum is positive, negative or zero without actually adding by the absolute value of the given integers.


Page 207  Exercise 1   Problem  8


−22 + (−16)

To add both numbers

Given equation is

​− 22 −16


If both numbers has a different sign, add the value and put the greatest value sign

Finally, we conclude the solution using an addition expression and the solution is −38


Page 207   Exercise 2  Problem  9


−10 + (−15)

To add both numbers

If both numbers has a different sign, add the value and put the greatest value sign


= −25

Finally, we concluded an addition expression to solve the sum and the solution is −25


Page 207  Exercise 3  Problem  10


6 + 10

To add  both numbers

If both numbers have a + sign, add the value and put a positive sign

​6 + 10

= 16

Finally, we concluded an addition expression to solve the sum and the solution is 16


Page 207  Exercise 4  Problem  11


21 + (−21) + (−4)

To add and subtract the numbers

If both numbers has a different sign, add the value and put the greatest value sign

​21 + (−21) + (−4)

= 21−21−4

= −4

Finally, we concluded an addition expression to solve the sum and the solution is −4


Page 207  Exercise 5  Problem  12


17 + 20 + (−3)

To add and subtract the given numbers and find the result.

Add the first two numbers, then subtract 3 from their sum.

​17 + 20 + (−3)

= 37 − 3

= 34

The value of 17 + 20 + (−3)  is 34


Page 207 Exercise 7 Problem  13


4 + 5

To add both numbers

If both numbers have + sign, add the value and put a positive sign

​4 + 5

= 9

Finally, we concluded an addition expression and the solution is 9


Page 207  Exercise 9  Problem  14


7 + (−11)

To add both numbers

If both numbers has a different sign, add the value and put the greatest value sign

​7 + (−11)

=  −4

Finally, we concluded the addition expression and the solution is −4


Page 207  Exercise 10  Problem  15


$152 − $20 + $84

To find the sum and explain its meaning

If both numbers has different sign, add the value and put the greatest value sign

​$152 − $20 = $132

=  $132 + $84

=  $216

Finally, we concluded an additional expression to represent this situation is  $216


Page 208   Exercise 12  Problem  16


The given transactions are

Week one  $300

Week two $50

Week three $75

Week four $225

To find the sum and explain its meaning

The withdrawal represents negative (-) and the deposit represents positive (+).

So add the given values, we get

​$300 + (−$50) + (−$75) + $225

= −$125+$525

= $400

The total sum using the addition expression is $400


Page 208  Exercise 14   Problem  17

The given equation x + (-x) =0 states the property of additive inverse because it has the sum of the number with opposite sides zero

The rule is to change the positive number to a negative number

Finally, we conclude the property as additive inverse property because it has the number wit opposite sides zero.


The given equations x + (-y) = −y + x states the property of commutative, because it allows you to interchange the numbers in a sum

This law simply states that with addition is commutative

Finally, we concluded the property is Commutative property because its interchanges the number in sums.


Page 208  Exercise 17 Problem  18


−9 + m + (−6)

To simplify

Given equation is

​−9 + m + (−6)

= −9 + (−6) + m

=(−9 + (−6)) + m

= −15 + m

−9 + m + (−6) = −15 + m

​Finally, we concluded an addition expression to solve the sum and the solution is −15 + m


Page 208  Exercise 18  Problem  19

The explanation for correct answer

(A) − 4 + 3

This is the correct answer because the blue line passing on the negative side and stop at −4 and the red line passing on the positive side and stop at 3

(B)−4 + 7

The blue line passing on the negative side and stop at −4 and the red line passing on the positive side and stop at 3, not at 7, so this is the wrong answer

(C) 3 + (−7)

The blue line passing on the negative side and stop at−4, not at 3 and the red line passing on the positive side and stop at 3, not at −7, so this is the wrong answer

(D) 0 + (−7)

The blue line passing on the negative side and stop at −4 not at 0 and the red line passing on the positive side and stop at  3, not at −7, so this is the wrong answer

Finally, we concluded that  (A) −4 + 3 is the correct expression represented by the number line.


Page 209   Exercise 19  Problem  20


18 + (−5)

To add the given value

​18 + (−5)

= 18 + (−5) = 18 − 5

= 13

18 + (−5) = 13

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we concluded an addition expression to solve the sum and the solution is 13


Page 209   Exercise 20  Problem  21


−19 + 24

To add the given value

​−19 + 24

= −19 + 24 = 24 + (−19)

= 24 −19

= 5

−19 + 24 = 5

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we conclude the solution using addition expression and the solution is 5


Page 209  Exercise 23  Problem  22


15 + 9 + (−9)

To add the given value

​15 + 9 + (−9)

= 24 + (−9)

= 24 − 9

= 15

15 + 9 + (−9) = 15

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we conclude the solution using addition expression and the solution is 15


Page 209  Exercise 24  Problem  23


−4 + 12 + (−9)

To add the given value

​−4 + 12 + (−9)

=  8 + (−9)

=  8 − 9

= −1

​−4 + 12 + (−9) = −1

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we conclude the solution using an addition expression and the solution is −1


Page 209  Exercise 26  Problem  24


25 + 3 + (−25)

To add the given value

​25 + 3 + (−25)

=  28 + (−25)

=  28 − 25

=  3

​25 + 3 + (−25) =  3

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we conclude the solution using addition expression and the solution is 3


Page 209   Exercise 27  Problem  25


7 + (−19) + (−7)

To add the given value

​7 + (−19) + (−7)

= 7 − 19 − 7

= −12−7

= −19

7 + (−19) + (−7) = −19

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we conclude the solution using an addition expression and the solution is −19


Page 209  Exercise 29  Problem  26


A quarterback is sacked for a loss of 5 yards

On the next day’s play, his team losses 15 yards.

Then the team gain 12 yards on the third play

Write an additional expression to describe each situation

The gain represents the positive numbers

The losses represent negative numbers

So it can be written as −5 + (−15) + 12

​−5 + (−15) + 12

= −20 + 12

= −8

​−5 + (−15) + 12 = −8

Add both the number and the greatest number sign in the result

Finally, we concluded that an addition expression to describe each situation is −5 + (−15) + 12


Page 210   Exercise 31  Problem  27

Given: Temperatures at 8 A.M and 1 P.M

To find – Temperature at 10 P.M

The temperature at  8 A.M was 3°F

The temperature rose at 1 A.M was 14°F

The temperature drops at 10 P.M were

The increase is denoted by a positive number and below zero or drop is denoted by a negative number.

From given

​−3 + 14 + (−12)

=  11 + (−12)

= −1

​−3 + 14 + (−12) = −1

​Thus, the temperature is 1°F  below zero.

The temperature at  10 P.M is 1°F below zero 


Page 210  Exercise 32  Problem  28

Given: −8 + 7 + (−3)

To find -The value

Given that −8 + 7 + (−3)

The answer is  (−4)


−8 + 7 + (−3)

​=−1 + (−3)

= −4

−8 + 7 + (−3) = −4

The value −8 + 7 + (−3) of is −4 


Page 210  Exercise 30  Problem  29

Given: A bank deposit of $ 75

To find-  Integer format for a given situation.

A bank deposit of $ 75


A bank deposit will increase the money that is in your bank account and thus it is represented by a positive number.

Thus, the integer representation of this situation is 75

The integer representation for bank deposits is 75.


Page 210  Exercise 36  Problem  30

Given:  13°F below zero

To find –  Integer format for a given situation.

Given 13°F below zero.


The temperature below zero is represented by a negative number.

Thus, the integer representation of this situation is = 13°

The integer representation for temperature below zero is −13°


Page 210   Exercise 37  Problem  31

Given: A gain of 4 yards

To find- Integer format for a given situation.

A gain of 4 yards


The gain will increase the number that you have and hence it is represented by a positive number.

Thus, the integer representation of this situation is 4.

The integer representation for a gain of yards is 4


Page 210  Exercise 38  Problem  32

Given:  Spending of $12.

To find-  Integer format for a given situation.

Spending of $12.


Spending money will decrease the amount that you have and hence it is represented by a negative number.

Thus, the integer representation of this situation is −12.

The integer representation for spending of $12. is  −12

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