Holt Algebra 1 Homework and Practice Workbook 1st Edition Chapter 1 Exercise 1.3

Holt Algebra 1 Homework and Practice Workbook, 1st Edition, Chapter 1

Page 3 Problem 1 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is −24÷−8

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we use the division.

The given expression is −24÷−8


Thus, the value of −24÷−8  is 3

Page 3 Problem 2 Answer

Give: Algebraic expression is 24(−5)

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we use the multiplication.

The given expression is 24(−5)

Now, 24(−5)



​Thus, the value of 24(−5) is −120

Page 3 Problem 3 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is −6(20)

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we use the multiplication.

The given expression is −6(20)




​Thus, the value of−6(20) is −120

Page 3 Problem 4 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is −7p for p=−15

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we put the value of p in given expression.

The given expression is −7p

Now put p=−15 then we get,−7p



​Thus, the value of−7p for p=−15 is 105

Page 3 Problem 5 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is t÷(−1.5) for t=6

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we put the value of t in given expression.

The given expression is t÷(−1.5)

Now put t=6 then we get,t÷(−1.5)




15 (multiply the numerator and denominator by 10)=−4

​Thus, the value of t÷(−1.5) for t=6 is −4

Page 3 Problem 6 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is −8/9÷2/3

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we use the division.

The given expression is −8/9÷2/3

Now, −8/9÷2/3

=−8/9×3/2 (∵a/b÷c/d=a/b×d/c)


Thus, the value of −8/9÷2/3 is −4/3

Page 3 Problem 7 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is −12÷(−6/25)

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we use the division.

The given expression is −12÷(−6/25)

Now, −12÷(−6/25)=−12×(−25/6)(∵a/b÷c/d=a/b×d/c)




​Thus, the value of −12÷(−6/25) is 50

Page 3 Problem 8 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is 21/4÷(−51/3)

To Find: the value of expression.

For finding the value of expression we use the division.

=2 ÷ 5

=1/4 (−1/3)

= 8 + 1/4÷  (−15 + 1/3 )

= 9/4÷  (−16/3 )

=  9/4× (−3/16)

therefore, =  9/4 ×(−3/16)

Thus, the value of 21/4÷(−51/3) is −27/64.

Page 3 Problem 9 Answer

Given: Expression is 0⋅4.75

To Find: The value of expression (using multiplication).

For identifying the value, we would multiply the two values given in the expression.

It is given 0⋅4.75

Here,  we need to multiply 0 and 4.75, as ⋅ this signifies multiplication.

Hence, the operation is: 0⋅4.75=0.

Therefore, the value of 0⋅4.75 is 0.

Page 3 Problem 10 Answer

Given: Expression is 0÷10

To Find: Multiply or divide.

For identifying multiply or divide we see the mathematical operator.

It is given 0÷10

Here, we can see that between 0 and 10 the mathematical operator is division.

Hence, It is divide and its value is 0÷10=0/10=0

​Thus, 0÷10 will divide.

OR The mathematical operator between 0 and 10 is divide.

Page 3 Problem 11 Answer

Given: Expression is −1/3÷0

To Find: The value of expression (using division).

For identifying the value, we would divide the two values given in the expression.

It is given−1/3÷0

Here, we we need to divide −1/3 and 0, as ÷ this signifies division.

Hence, The value −1/3÷0 is undefined, since the division by 0 is not defined.

Therefore, the value of −1/3÷0 is undefined.

Page 3 Problem 12 Answer

Given: When Brianna’s first CD sold a million copies, her record label gave her a $5000 bonus.

She split the money evenly between herself, her agent, her producer, and her stylist.

To Find: Multiply or divide. How much money did each person receive?

For identifying multiply or divide we see the mathematical operator.

It is given that when Brianna’s first CD sold a million copies, her record label gave her a $5000 bonus.

She split the money evenly between herself, her agent, her producer, and her stylist.

Therefore, For distributing the money between herself, her agent, her producer, and her stylist the divide symbol will come.

There are total of 4 person.

So, Money each person receive is =5000/4=$1250

​Thus, divide symbol will come and Money each person receive is $1250

Page 3 Problem 13 Answer

Given: Expression is (0.3)(−1.8)

To Find: The value of expression (using multiplication).

For identifying the value, we would multiply the two values given in the expression.

It is given, (0.3)(−1.8).

Here, we need to multiply 0.3 and −1.8.

Hence, the operation is: (0.3)(−1.8)=−0.54.

Therefore, the value of (0.3)(−1.8) is −0.54.

Page 3 Problem 14 Answer

Given: Expression is 2/5(−5/2)

To Find: Multiply or divide.

For identifying multiply or divide we see the mathematical operator.

It is given 2/5(−5/2)

Here, we can see that between 2/5 and (−5/2) the mathematical operator is multiplication.

Hence, It is multiply and its value is ​=2/5(−5/2)=−2×5/5×2=−1​

Thus, the mathematical operator between 2/5 and (−5/2) is multiply.

Page 3 Problem 15 Answer

Given: Expression is −15÷(−6)

To Find: Multiply or divide.

For identifying multiply or divide we see the mathematical operator.

It is given −15÷(−6)

Here,we can see that between −15 and −6 the mathematical operator is division.

Hence, It is division and its value is −15÷(−6)

−15÷(−6) =−15/−6

−15÷(−6) =15/6

−15÷(−6) = 5/2Thus, the mathematical operator between −15 and (−6) is divide.

Page 3 Problem 16 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is x⋅y

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2

For finding the value of expression we put the value of x=16,y=−4 in given expression.

The given expression is x⋅y

Now put x=16,y=−4 then we get,






​Thus, the value of x⋅y for x=16,y=−4 is −64

Page 3 Problem 17 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is xz

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2.

For finding the value of expression we put the value of x=16, and z=−2.  in given expression.

The given expression is xz

Now put x=16, and z=−2 then we get,




​Thus, the value of xz for x=16, and z=−2 is −32

Page 3 Problem 18 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is z÷y

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2

For finding the value of expression we put the value of y=−4, and z=−2 in given expression.

The given expression is z÷y

Now put y=−4, and z=−2

then we get,


z÷y =−2÷−4

z÷y =−2/−4

z÷y =2/4

z÷y =1/2

Thus, the value of z÷y for y=−4, and z=−2 is 1/2

Page 3 Problem 19 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is (y)(z)

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2

For finding the value of expression we put the value of y=−4, and z=−2 in given expression.

The given expression is (y)(z)

Now put y=−4, and z=−2

then we get,


(y)(z) =(−4)(−2)

(y)(z) =8​

Thus, the value of(y)(z) for y=−4, and z=−2 is 8

Page 3 Problem 20 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is x÷z

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2

For finding the value of expression we put the value of x=16 and z=−2 in given expression.

The given expression is x÷z

Now put x=16 and z=−2 then we get,


x÷z =x/z

x÷z =16/−2

x÷z =−8​

Thus, the value of x÷z for x=16 and z=−2 is −8

Page 3 Problem 21 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is x÷y

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2

For finding the value of expression we put the value of x=16,y=−4 in given expression.

The given expression is x÷y

Now put x=16,y=−4 then we get,


x÷y =x/y

x÷y =16/−4

x÷y =−4

​Thus, the value of x÷y for x=16,y=−4 is −4

Page 3 Problem 22 Answer

Given: Algebraic expression is z÷x

To Find: Evaluate expression for x=16,y=−4, and z=−2

For finding the value of expression we put the value of x=16 and z=−2 in given expression.

The given expression is z÷x

Now put x=16, and z=−2  then we get,


z÷x =z/x

z÷x =−2/16

z÷x =−1/8​

Thus, the value of z÷x for x=16, and z=−2 is−1/8

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