J.Susan Milton Introduction To Probability and Statistics Principles And Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Exercise

J.Susan Milton Introduction To Probability And Statistics Principles And Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution


Page 263  Exercise 1  Problem 1

Given problem statement, when programming from a terminal, one random variable response time was recorded in seconds.

These data are tabled also a table was given.

Next draw the stem and leaf diagram and assume the normality is reasonable or not

Stem and leaf plot response time N = 30

Leaf unit = 0.010

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 263 Exercise 1 Problem 1 Stem and leaf 1

Therefore, the step plot shows the data is equally distributed on both sides. So, the assumptions of normality appear reasonable.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 263 Exercise 1 Problem 1 Stem and leaf 2


Page 263  Exercise 1  Problem 2

Given the problem statement, when programming from a terminal, one random variable response time was recorded in seconds.

These scenarios can be represented in X.

These data are tabled also a table was given.

Estimate the value of \(\bar{X}\) for determining an unbiased estimate for σ2

The formula for finding the point estimate of σ2 is s{2}

\(s^2=\frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^n\left(X_i-\overline{X_n}\right)^2\)


Given: When programming from a terminal, one random variable response time was recorded in seconds.

These scenarios can be represented in X.

n = 30

Determine the \(\bar{X}\) value

\(\overline{X_n}=\frac{\sum X_i}{n}\)


\(\bar{X}\)n = \(\left(\begin{array}{l}
1.48+1.26+1.52+1.56+1.48+1.46+1.30+1.28+ \\
1.43+1.43+1.55+1.57+1.51+1.53+1.68+1.37+ \\
1.47+1.61+1.49+1.43+1.64+1.51+1.60+1.65+ \\
\end{array} 30\right.\)

Therefore, an unbiased point estimate for σ is 0.0129


Page 263  Exercise 1  Problem 3

From previous problem the point estimate of σ2 is s2 was obtained and using this value to find a 95 confidence interval for σ2

First determine the value of α

α = 1 − confidence level

Given :

From previous problem the point estimate of σ2 is s2 = 0.0129

Find the value of α is

​α = 1 − 95

α =  0.05

n =  30

Find a 95 confidence interval for σ2

Formula is , L1 ≤ σ2 L2

\(\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{\frac{\alpha}{2}}^2} \leq \sigma^2 \leq \frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}}^2}\)


Using chi-square distribution table to find a probability value with corresponds to degrees of freedom.

Probability value0.025 that corresponds to 29 degrees of freedom is 45.7

Probability value 0.0975  that corresponds to 29 degrees of freedom is 16

Determine the confidence interval for σ2

\(\frac{(30-1)(0.0129)}{45.7} \leq \sigma^2 \leq \frac{(30-1)(0.0129)}{16.0}\) \(\frac{0.3741}{45.7} \leq \sigma^2 \leq \frac{0.3741}{16.0}\)


0.00082 ≤ σ 0.0234

Hence, 95 confidence interval for σ2 is (0.0082,0.0234)

Therefore,95 confidence interval for σ2 is (0.0082,0.0234)


Page 263  Exercise 1  Problem 4 

From previous problem the point estimate for σ2

Was obtained and using this value to find a 95 confidence interval for σ

First determine the value of α

α = 1 − confidence level

Given :

From previous problem the point estimate for σ2 is 0.0129

Find the value of α is  α = 1−95

α = 0.05

n = 30

Find a 95 confidence interval for σ formula is

\(\sqrt{L_1} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{L_2}\)


\(\sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{\frac{\alpha}{2}}^2}} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}}^2}}\)


Using chi-square distribution table to find a probability value with corresponds to degrees of freedom.

Probability value0.95 that corresponds to 29 ,degrees of freedom is 45.7

Probability value 0.025 that corresponds to 29 degrees of freedom is 16

Determine the confidence interval for σ

​\(\sqrt{\frac{(30-1)(0.0129)}{45.7}} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{\frac{(30-1)(0.0129)}{16.0}}\)

\(\sqrt{0.0082} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{0.0234}\)


0.091 0.091 ≤ σ ≤0.153

Hence, 95 confidence interval for σ is (0.091,0.153)

Therefore, 95 confidence interval for σ is (0.091,0.153)


Page 263  Exercise 2  Problem 5

Given problem statement, highway engineers have found a sign at night and it depends on its surround luminance.

These scenarios can be represented in X.

These surround luminance data are tabled also a table was given.

Estimate the value of X

For determine an unbiased estimate for σ2

Formula for find the point estimate of σ2 is s2

s2 \(=\frac{\sum\left(X_i-\bar{X}\right)^2}{n-1}\)

Given : Highway engineers have found a sign at night and it depends on its surround luminance.

These scenario can be represented in X.

n = 30

Determine the \(\bar{X}\) value

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 263 Exercise 2 Problem 5 Solution 1

\(\bar{X}\) = \(\frac{258.6}{30}\)

\(\bar{X}\) = 8.62

The point estimate for σ is



s2 = \(

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 263 Exercise 2 Problem 5 Solution 2

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 263 Exercise 2 Problem 5 Solution 3

s2 = \(\frac{592.428}{29}\)

s2 = 20.428

Therefore, an unbiased point estimate for σ2  is, 20.428


Page 263  Exercise 2  Problem 6

From previous problem the point estimate for σ2

was obtained and using this value to find a 90 confidence interval for σ.

First determine the value of α, α = 1− confidence level

Given :

From previous probelm the point estimate for σ2 is


Find the value of α is

​α = 1 − 90

α = 0.10

n = 30

Find a 90 confidence interval for σ2

Formula is

L1 ≤ σ2 ≤ L2

\(\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{\frac{a}{2}}^2} \leq \sigma^2 \leq \frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{1-\frac{a}{2}}^2}\)


Using chi-square distribution table to find a probability value with corresponds to degrees of freedom.

Probability value 0.05 that corresponds to 29 degrees of freedom is  42.557

Probability value 0.95 that corresponds to 29 degrees of freedom is  17.7084

Determine the confidence interval for σ2

​\(\frac{(30-1)(20.428)}{42.557} \leq \sigma^2 \leq \frac{(30-1)(20.428)}{17.7084}\)

\(\frac{5924.12}{42.557} \leq \sigma^2 \leq \frac{5924.12}{17.7084}\)

13.9204 ≤ σ2 ≤ 33.4537

Hence, 90 confidence interval for σ2 is (13.9204,33.4537)

Determine the confidence interval for σ

\(\sqrt{L_1} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{L_2}\) \(\sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{\frac{a}{2}}^2}} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}}^2}}\)


\(\sqrt{13.9204} \leq \sigma \leq \sqrt{33.4537}\)


3.731 ≤ σ2 ≤ 5.784

Hence, 90 confidence interval for σ is  (3.731,5.784)

Therefore, 90 confidence interval for σ is  (3.731,5.784)


Page 264   Exercise 3   Problem 7

Given problem statement, Two voltage technique is used to analyze the crystals. Using electron microprobe to measure both quantitative and qualitative measurements.

These data are tabled also a table was given.

Next draw the stem and leaf diagram and assume the normality is reasonable or not.

Given :

Stem and leaf plot measurement  N = 27

The values have been multiplied by 100

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 264 Exercise 3 Problem 7 Stem and leaf 1
Therefore, the step plot shows the data is equally distributed on both sides. So, the assumptions of normality appear reasonable.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 264 Exercise 3 Problem 7 Stem and leaf 2


Page 264  Exercise 3  Problem 8

Given problem statement, two voltage technique is used to analyze the crystals.

Using electron microprobe to measure both quantitative and qualitative measurements. These scenarios can be represented in X.

These data are tabled also a table was given.

Estimate the value of \(\bar{X}\) for determine an unbiased estimate for σ2

Formula for find the point estimate for σ2 is



Given: Two voltage technique is used to analyze the crystals. Using electron microprobe to measure both quantiative and qualiitiative measurements.

These scenario can be represented in X.

n = 27

Determine the \(\bar{X}\) value

\(\bar{X}\) = \(\frac{\sum X_i}{n}\)

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 264 Exercise 3 Problem 8 Solution 1

\(\bar{X}\) = \(\frac{663.9}{27}\)

\(\bar{X}\) = 24.59

The point estimate for σ2 is



Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 264 Exercise 3 Problem 8 Solution 2

s2 = \(\frac{63.8267}{26}\)

s2 = 2.455

Therefore, an unbiased point estimate for σ is, 2.455


Page 264  Exercise 4  Problem 9

Given problem statement, find the one-sided confidence interval for upper bound.

Also, an interval in the form of [0,L].

Finally prove that the upper bound confidence interval

L = \(\frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\)


Find an interval in the form of  P[σ2 ≤ L] = 1 − α

That means Confidence level = 1 − α

Form the diagram, the evidence is

Determine the confidence interval for σ2

P \(\left(\chi_{1-\alpha}^2 \leq \frac{(n-1) s^2}{\sigma^2}\right)\) = 1 − α

P \(\left(\sigma^2 \leq \frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\right)\) = 1 − α

Hence \(=\frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\)

Therefore, the confidence interval for upper bound is \(=\frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\) and its proved.


Page 265  Exercise 5  Problem 10

Given problem statement, Robotic technology was explained.

The Robots are used to apply adhesive to a specified location.

These location data are tabled also a table was given.

Next draw the stem and leaf diagram and assume the normality is reasonable or not.

Given :

Stem and leaf plot measurement N = 25

The values have been multiplied by 1000

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 5 Problem 10 Stem and Leaf measurements 1

Therefore, the step plot shows the data is equally distributed on both sides. So, the assumptions of normality appear reasonable.
Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 5 Problem 10 Stem and Leaf measurements 2


Page 265  Exercise 5  Problem 11

Given problem statement, Robotic technology was explained.

The Robots are used to apply adhesive to a specified location. These scenarios can be represented in X.

These location data are tabled also a table was given.

Estimate the value of \(\bar{X}\) For determine an unbiased estimate for σ2

Formula for find the point estimate for σ2 is



Given : Robotic technology was explained.

The Robots are used to apply adhesive to a specified location.

These scenarios can be represented in X

n = 27

Determine the \(\bar{X}\) value

\(\bar{X}\) = \(\frac{\sum X_i}{n}\)

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 5 Problem 11 Solution 1

\(\bar{X}\) =\(\frac{0.09}{25}\)

\(\bar{X}\) = 0.0036

The point estimate for  σ2 is


Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 5 Problem 11 Solution 2

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 5 Problem 11 Solution 3

s2 = \(\frac{0.00009}{24}\)

s2 = 0.00000375

Therefore, an unbiased point estimate for σ2 is, 0.00000375


Page 265  Exercise 6  Problem 12

Initially understand the theorems and using the theorem to prove that mean and variance values such as E[S2 ]= σ2 and Var S2

= \(\frac{2 \sigma^4}{(n-1)}\)

Show that X be a random variable. The mean and variance is
​E[S2 ]= σ2

Var S2 = \(\frac{2 \sigma^4}{(n-1)}\)

From S2 is an unbiased estimator for σ2. Hence? E[S2] = σ2

From using of formula \(\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\sigma^2} \sim \chi_{(n-1)}\)

​The variance of the chi squared distribution is n 2(n−1)


Var [ \(\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\sigma^2}\)] = 2(n – 1)

\(\frac{(n-1)^2}{\sigma^4}\)Var S2 = 2(n – 1)

Var S2 = 2(n – 1)\(\frac{\sigma^4}{(n-1)^2}\)

Var s2 =\(\frac{2 \sigma^4}{(n-1)}\)

Therefore, X be a random variable then the mean and variance E[S2 ]= σ2,Var S2 \(\frac{2 \sigma^4}{(n-1)}\) and its proved.


Page 265  Exercise 7  Problem 13

Given Samples: χ0.005 and χ0.95

Formula for find chi squared points: \(\chi_r{ }^2=1 / 2\left[z_r+\sqrt{2 \gamma-1}\right]^2\)

Using above formula to determine the approximate points of the given samples.

Given : χ0.005 and χ0.95

Formula for approximate the chi squared points \(\chi_r{ }^2=1 / 2\left[z_r+\sqrt{2 \gamma-1}\right]^2\)

r is significance level and γ is the degrees of freedom

Approximate the points for  χ0.005

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 7 Problem 13 Solution 1

Approximate the points for χ0.95

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 7 Problem 13 Solution 2

Therefore, approximated points of  χ0.005  and  χ0.95  is 124.061  and 77.652


Page 265  Exercise 7  Problem 14

Given: Standard deviation value is s = 7.5 and sample size is n = 150

Using above values to find the confidence interval on deviation.

Formula for find the confidence interval for deviation

\(\sqrt{L_1}=\sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{\alpha / 2}^2}}\sqrt{L_2}=\sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha / 2}^2}}\)

Given:   Standard deviation and sample sizes are included below

s = 7.5

n = 150

Formula for find interval

\(\sqrt{L_1}=\sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{\alpha / 2}^2}} \sqrt{L_2}=\sqrt{\frac{(n-1) S^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha / 2}^2}}\)


Determine the interval for χ0.025
Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 7 Problem 14 Solution 1

Determine the interval for χ0.025
Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 7 Problem 14 Solution 2

Confidence interval is

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 265 Exercise 7 Problem 14 Solution 3

Hence, 95 % confidence interval on the standard deviation is (6.725,8.444)

Therefore,95 % the confidence interval on the standard deviation is(6.725,8.444)


Page 266  Exercise 8  Problem 15

Given: Standard deviation value is s = 0.01 and sample size is n = 100

Using above values to find the confidence interval for deviation One sided confidence interval

\(L=\frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\)


Given : Standard deviation and sample size is

​s = 0.01

n = 100

Formula for find interval

\(L=\frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\)


Chi squared points can be approximated by the formula

\(\chi_{1-r}^2=1 / 2\left[z_{1-r}+\sqrt{2 \gamma-1}\right]^2\)


Approximate the points for χ0.95

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Principles and Applications Chapter 8 Inferences On The Mean And Variance Of A Distribution Page 266 Exercise 8 Problem 15 Solution

Determine the confidence interval

\(L=\frac{(n-1) s^2}{\chi_{1-\alpha}^2}\)


\(\sqrt{L}=\sqrt{\frac{99 \times(0.01)^2}{77.652}}\)


= 0.0113

Hence, 95 % confidence interval on the standard deviation is (0,0.0113)

Therefore, 95 % confidence interval on the standard deviation is (0,0.0113)


Page 266  Exercise 9  Problem 16

Given: t.05 (γ = 8)

In Distribution table, the cumulative probability values are given.

If find a critical value, look up the confidence interval in the bottom row of the table.

From T distribution table the row locates 8 and the column of P[Tr ≤ t]  locate 0.95 which corresponds to the critical value is 1.8595

Hence, the value of t.05 (γ = 8) is 1.8595

Therefore, the value of  t.05(γ = 8) is 1.8595


Page 266  Exercise 9  Problem 17

Given: t.95 (γ = 8)

In T Distribution table, the cumulative probability values are given.

If find a critical value, look up the confidence interval in the bottom row of the table.

From T distribution table the row locates 8 and the column of P[Tr ≤ t] locate 0.95 which corresponds to the critical value is −1.8595

Therefore, the value of t.95 (γ = 8)  is−1.8595


Page 266  Exercise 9  Problem 18

Given:  t 0.975 (γ = 12)

In T Distribution table, the cumulative probability values are given.

If find a critical value, look up the confidence interval in the bottom row of the table.

From T distribution table the row locates 12 and the column of P[Tr  ≤ t] locate 0.975 which corresponds to the critical value is −2.1788

Hence, the value of  t.975 (γ = 12) is −2.1788

Therefore, the value of t 975 (γ = 12) is −2.1788


Page 265  Exercise 10  Problem 19

In this given question, t value is .05.

In this given question, γ value is 50

Have to find a probability for given t value with given γ value.

Point degree of freedom and search for a given t value.

Given t value = .05.

γ = 50.

By using the t table, t⋅05 (γ = 50) = 1.6759

Hence, the probability of given t value ⋅05 with degree of freedom γ = 50 is 1.6759.


Page 265  Exercise 10  Problem 20

In this given question, t value is .025.

In this given question, y value is 75.

Have to find a probability for given t value with given γ value.

Point degree of freedom and search for a given t value.

Given t

value  t  = .025

γ = 75

By using the t table, t  = .025

(γ = 75) = 1.9921

Hence, the probability of given t value .025 with degree of freedom γ = 75 is 1.9921


Page 265  Exercise 10  Problem 21

In this given question, t value is 0.1.

In this given question, γ value is 200.

Have to find a probability for given t value with given γ value.

Point degree of freedom and search for a given t value.


t value = 0.1

γ = 200

By using the t table

t 0⋅1 (γ = 200) = 1.2858

Hence, the probability of given t value 0.1 with degree of freedom γ = 200 is 1.2858


Page 266 Exercise 11 Problem 22

In this question, the given data is \(\sum_{i=1}^{20} x_i\) = 25.792 and

\(\sum_{i=1}^{20} x_i^2\) = 33. 261596

Have to find \(\bar{X}\) , s2 , s

\(\bar{X}\) = \(\frac{\sum x_i}{n}\)

s2 = \(\frac{1}{n-1}\left(\sum x_i^2-n(\bar{X})^2\right)\)

s = \(\sqrt{s^2}\)


\(\sum_1^{15} x_i\)  =  0.07

\(\sum_1^{15} x_i^2\) = 0.0489

n = 15

\(\bar{X}\) = \(\frac{\sum x_i}{n}\)

\(\bar{X}\)  = \(\frac{0.07}{15}\)

\(\bar{X}\)  = 0.00467

\(\frac{1}{n-1}\left(\sum x_i^2-n(\bar{X})^2\right)\)


= \(\frac{1}{15-1}\left(0 \cdot 0489-15(0 \cdot 00467)^2\right)\)

=  \(\frac{1}{14}(0 \cdot 0489-0 \cdot 000327)\)

= \(\frac{0.048573}{14}\)

=   0.0034695

s = \(\sqrt{s^2}\) = \(\sqrt{0.0034695}\)

s  =  0.0589

Hence, the Value of \(\bar{X}\),s 2, s are 0⋅00467, 0⋅0034695,0⋅0589 respectively.


Page 266  Exercise 11  Problem 23

To find 95 % confidence interval 100(1 − α)

\(\bar{X} \pm t_{\frac{\alpha}{2}, \frac{n-1 s}{\sqrt{n}}}\) = 0.00467 \(\pm t_{0.05, \frac{15-10.0589}{\sqrt{5}}}\)

​=  0⋅00467 ± 1.7693 × 0.0152

=  0.00467 ± 0.0269

=  (0⋅00467 − 0.0269, 0.00467 + 0.0269)

=  (−0.02223, 0.03157)

Hence,95 % confidence interval on the mean outside diameter of the pipes is(−0.02223,0.03157)


Page 266  Exercise  11  Problem 24

The makers of this pipe claim that the mean outside diameter is 1.29, so an average overestimate is 0.05.

The average overestimates the distance by 0.05 which is not reasonable.

Because the overestimates do not lie within 90 confidence interval.

Hence, the confident interval does not lead to suspect this responded.

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