Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences 8th Edition Chapter 1 Exercise 1.4 Overview and Descriptive Statistics

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences 8th Edition Chapter 1 Overview and Descriptive Statistics

Page 43 Problem 1 Answer

Given ,Based on the study of the relationship between age and various visual  functions (such as acuity and depth perception) reported the following observations on the area of scleral lamina from human optic nerve heads (“Morphometry of Nerve  Fiber Bundle Pores in the Optic Nerve Head of the Human”).

The following data is provided:


We have to calculate i∑xi and i∑x2i

To calculate i∑xi we find



​Hence i∑xi=56.8

To calculate i∑x2i

we find 2.752+2.622+2.742+3.852+2.342+2.742+3.932+4.212+3.882+4.332+3.462+4.522+2.432+3.652+2.782+3.562+3.012


​Hence i∑xi2=197.804

So,based on the study of the relationship between age and various visual  functions (such as acuity and depth perception) reported the following observations on the area of scleral lamina from human optic nerve heads then the values as follows:

∑ixi=56.8 and ∑ixi2=197.804

Page 43 Problem 2 Answer

Given, Based on the study of the relationship between age and various visual functions (such as acuity and depth perception) reported the following observations on the area of scleral lamina   from human optic nerve heads (“Morphometry of Nerve  Fiber Bundle Pores in the Optic Nerve Head of the Human”.

The given data is: 2.75, 2.62, 2.74, 3.85, 2.34, 2.74, 3.93,4.21, 3.88, 4.33, 3.46, 4.52, 2.43, 3.65, 2.78, 3.56,3.01.

we need to find the sample variance using the formula.

First we have to calculate the standard deviation using sample variance.

To find s2 we calculate s2=  i∑xi2−(∑ixi)2/n

Since i∑xi=56.8 therefore,(∑x​i)2/n




Also since  i∑xi2=197.804

We have s{2}=197.804−189.779

The sample variance  s{2}=8.025

To find standard deviation  we s see



The standard deviation s=2.8329

Hence, based on study of the relationship between age and various visual  functions (such as acuity and depth perception) reported the following observations on the area of scleral lamina from human optic nerve heads determined as follows:

sample variance s{2}=8.025 and the standard deviation s=2.8329 .

Page 44 Problem 3 Answer

Given, Based on the article “A Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake Test for the  Evaluation of Automotive Crankcase Lubricants” the data as follows:

Set of data is ​87​103​130​160​180​195​132​145​211​105​145​153​152​138​87​99​93​119​129​.

We need to find the sample variance and standard deviation.

To find sample variance  we calculate s2=i∑xi2−(∑ixi)2/n

Since ∑ixi=87+103+130+160+180+195+132+145+211+105+145+153+152+138+87+99+93+119+125+129








So we have  s{2}=368501−345735.2105


The sample variance


To find the standard deviations use s=√s2

The standard deviation s=150.8834

Hence, based on the article “A Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake Test for the  Evaluation of Automotive Crankcase Lubricants” is determined as follows:

sample variance is s{2} =22765.7895 and

standard deviation is s=150.8834.

Page 44 Problem 4 Answer


The given data set is: 87​ 103 ​130 ​160​ 180 ​195 ​132 ​145​ 211​ 105 ​145 ​153​ 152​ 138​ 87​9 9​93 119​ 129

We need to find the sample variance and sample standard deviation when observations were re-expressed in hours without actually performing the reexpression.

Since in the re expression minutes are changed into hours the observations xi  are now  xi/60

Hence the new sample variance s1






The new sample variance s{1}{2}=6.3238.

To find the new standard deviation  s1 use s1=√s12


The new standard deviation s{1}=2.514722

Hence,based on the article “A Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake Test for the  Evaluation of Automotive Crankcase Lubricants”from the following data we get:

new sample variance s{1}{2}=6.3238 and new standard deviation s1=2.514722.

Page 44 Problem 5 Answer

Given, Based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles”included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals:

The given data set is :

16​1 8​1 8​2 6​3 3​41​ 54​ 56​6 6​68​ 87​9 1​9 59 8​10 6​10 9​11 1​11 8​12 7​12 7​13 5​14 5​14 7​14 9​15 1​168

172 ​183​ 189​ 190 ​200 ​210​ 220 ​229​ 230​ 233​ 238​ 244 ​259 ​294 ​329 403

​we need to construct a stem-and-leaf display based on repeating each stem value twice.

To construct a stem-and-leaf display we take the hundreds digit as the stem and tens and ones digits as the leaf.

We repeat each stem value twice by adding L to the stem with leaves from 00 to 49  and H to the stem with leaves from to.

Stem  Leaves
OL 16 18 18 26 33 41
OH 54 56 66 68 87 91 95 98
1L 06 09 11 18 27 27 35 45 47 49
1H 51 68 72 83 89 90
2L 00 10 20 29 30 33 38 44
2H 59 54
3L 29
4L 3

Comment on interesting feature :

Most data are grouped in the 1L leaf. The largest sample value,403  is very far from the bulk of the data. It seems to be an outlier.

Hence,based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles”

most data is grouped in 1L leaf and the largest sample value is 403 which seems to be outlier.

Page 44 Problem 6 Answer

Given, Based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles”included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals:

The given dataset is:

16​1 8​18 ​26​3 3​41​ 54​5 6​66 ​68​8 7​91​ 95 98​ 106​ 109​ 111​ 118​ 127 ​127 ​135​ 145 ​147 ​149​ 151 ​168​

172​ 183​ 189 ​190​ 200​ 210 ​220​ 229​ 230​ 233​ 238 ​244​ 259 294​ 329​ 403

We need to find the values of the fourths and the fourth spread.

First segregate the data into two classes larger half and smaller half

The smaller half of the data set is


​There are 21 observations hence the median is the 11th observation hence

The larger half of the data set is


​There are 21 observations hence the median is the11th

observation hence upper fourth =210 ​Fourth spread fs

given by fs= upper fourth − lower fourth



Hence the Fourth spread fs=123

​Therefore,based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles” included the

following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals the values of the fourths and the fourth spread obtained as follows:

The Fourth spread fs=123

Page 44 Problem 7 Answer

Given, Based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles”included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals:

The given dataset is :

16​1 8​18​ 26​3 3​41 ​54​5 6​66 ​68​8 7​91 ​95  98 106 ​109 111 ​118​ 127 ​127 ​135 ​145​ 147​ 149​ 151​ 168  172 ​183​ 189 ​190 ​200​ 210​ 220 ​229​ 230​ 233 ​238 ​244 ​259 294​ 329​4 03

​we need to construct a box plot.

The box plot  for the data

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 8th Edition, Chapter 1 Overview and Descriptive Statistics 7 1

There is slight positive skew of the data.

The variability is rather big and there is one outlier on the upper end, 403.

Hence, based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles”included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals:

The boxplot is a better representation of the data is as follows:

Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 8th Edition, Chapter 1 Overview and Descriptive Statistics 7

Comment : There is slight positive skew of the data and the variability is rather big and there is one outlier on the upper end, 403.

Page 44 Problem 8 Answer

Given, Based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles” included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals:

The given dataset is :

​16​ 18 ​18​ 26 ​33​ 41​ 54​5 6​66 ​68​8 7​91 ​95 ​98​ 106​ 109 ​111 ​118 ​127 ​127 ​135​ 145 ​147 ​149

​151​ 168  172 ​183 ​189 ​190 ​200 210​ 220​ 229​ 230​ 233​ 238​ 244 ​259 294​ 329​ 403​

We need to find if there is any outlier or extreme outlier.

Now, lower fourth =87 upper fourth =210

​​Since Fourth spread fs given by ​fs= upper fourth − lower fourth



Hence the Fourth spread fs=123​

An element is an outliner if it is less than 87−1.5fs or greater than 210+1.5fs

Since there are no negative data so an element is an outliner if it is greater than 394.5

The element 403 is an outlier.

An element is an extreme outliner if it is less than 87−3fs or greater than 210+3f

​Since there are no negative data so an element is an extreme outliner if it is greater than 579.

There are no elements greater than 579 hence there are no extreme outlier.

So,based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles” included the following

data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals the element 403 is an outlier there are no extreme outlier.

Page 44 Problem 9 Answer

Given, Based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles” included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals:

The given dataset is:

16​1 8​18 ​26​3 3​41​ 54​5 6​66​ 68​8 7​91 ​95​9 8​10 6​10 9​11 1​11 8​12 7​12 7​13 5​14 5​14 7​14 9​15 1​16 8​17 2​18 3​18 9​19 0​200 ​210 ​220​ 229 ​230​ 233 238​ 244 ​259 ​294​ 329​ 403

​We need to find by how much could the observation 403, currently the largest, be decreased without affecting fs.

lower fourth =87 upper fourth=210

Since Fourth spread fs= upper fourth − lower fourth



Since the fourth spread f{s}=123

So to effect the fourth spread either the upper fourth should change or the lower fourth

should change since the largest element 403 is closer to upper fourth so to change the upper fourth

The observation should become less than the upper fourth

so for 403 to become less than 210 it should be reduced at least by 194.

Hence the largest element 403 can be decreased by 193 without changing the fourth spread.

Therefore,based on the article “Investigation of Grip Force, Normal Force, Contact Area, Hand Size, and Handle Size for Cylindrical Handles” included the following data on grip strength (N) for a sample of 42 individuals then the largest element 403 can be decreased by 193 without changing the fourth spread.


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