Susan Colley Vector Calculus 4th Edition Chapter 1 Exercise 1.1 Vectors

Susan Colley Vector Calculus 4th Edition Chapter 1 Vectors

Page 7 Problem 1 Answer

Given : The vector(2,1)

To sketch : Vectors in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Indicated vectors are shown on the graph below :

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 1 Vectors 1

Therefore, the graph is plotted with the given value.

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 1 Vectors 1 1

Page 7 Problem 2 Answer

Given : (3,3)

To find : Vectors in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Indicated vectors are shown on the graph below :

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Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 1 Vectors 2

Hence, the graph is plotted with given value.

Page 7 Problem 3 Answer

Given : (−2,1)

To find : Vectors in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Indicated vectors are shown on the graph below :

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 1 Vectors 3

Hence, the graph is plotted with given value.

Page 7 Problem 4 Answer

Given : (1,2,3)

To find : Vectors in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

Indicated vectors are shown on the below graph :

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Hence, the graph is plotted with given values.

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Page 7 Problem 5 Answer

Given : (−2,0,2)

To find: Vectors in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

Given : (−2,0,2)

To find: Vectors in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

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Hence, the graph is plotted with given values.

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Page 7 Problem 6 Answer

Given : (2,−3,1)

To find : Vectors in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

Indicated vectors are shown on the below graph :

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Therefore, the graph is plotted with given values.

Page 7 Problem 7 Answer

Given : (3,1)+(−1,7)

To express: The given expression in single vector a=(a1,a2) in R2

Evaluate to get the required solution

Let us simplify in this way,



Hence, the required solution is (2,8)

Page 7 Problem 8 Answer

Given : −2(8,12)

To express: in the form of a single vector a=(a1,a2) in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify in this way,


Therefore, the required solution is (−16,−24)

Page 7 Problem 9 Answer

Given : (8,9)+3(−1,2)

To express: In the form of a single vector a=(a1,a2) in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify in this way,




Therefore, the required solution is (5,15)

Page 7 Problem 10 Answer

Given : (1,1)+5(2,6)−3(10,2)

To find : Single vector a=(a1,a2) in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify the equation in this way,




Hence, the required solution is (−19,25)

Page 7 Problem 11 Answer

Given : (8,10)+3((8,−2)−2(4,5))

To find : Single vector a=(a1,a2) in R2

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify the equation in this way,






Hence, the required solution is (8,−26)

Page 7 Problem 12 Answer

Given : (2,1,2)+(−3,9,7)

To find : Single vector a=(a1,a2,a3) in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify in this way,



Therefore, the required solution is (−1,10,9)

Page 7 Problem 13 Answer

Given : 1/2(8,4,1)+2(5,−7,1/4)

To find : Single vector a=(a1,a2,a3) in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify in this way,



Therefore, the required solution is (14,−12,1)

Page 7 Problem 14 Answer

Given : −2((2,0,1)−6(1/2,−4,1))

To find : Single vector a=(a1,a2,a3) in R3

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify in this way,



Therefore, the required solution is (2,−48,10)

Page 7 Problem 15 Answer

Given : a=(1,2),

b=(−2,5), and


​To find: Parallelogram law and the head-to-tail methodEvaluate to get the final answer

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Addition of vectors using parallelogram law.

Resultant vector is CD

Addition of vectors using head-to-tail method :

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Therefore, the graph is plotted using parallelogram law and the head-to-tail method.

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Page 7 Problem 16 Answer

Given : a=(3,2)


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​To find: Calculate and graph a−b,1/2a, and a+2b

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Evaluate to get the final answer

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Hence, all the required graphs has been plotted.

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Page 7 Problem 17 Answer

Given : Let A be the point with coordinates (1,0,2),let B be the point with coordinates (−3,3,1)

and let C be the point with coordinates(2,1,5)

To find : Vectors AB and BA

Evaluate to get the final answer

Each vector is determined with initial and terminal point.

That is, two points – one where it starts and one where it ends.

Vector AB starts at point A and ends at point B

Vector BA starts at point B and ends at point A.


Vector AB starts at point A and ends at point B and,

Vector BA starts at point B and ends at point A

Page 7 Problem 18 Answer

Given : Let A be the point with coordinates (1,0,2),let B be the point with coordinates(−3,3,1) and let C

be the point with coordinates(2,1,5)

To find : Vectors AC,BC, and AC+CB

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us simplify,Vector AC starts at point A and ends at point C.

Vector BC starts at point B and ends at point C.

Vector AC+CB is sum of two vectors. Notice that first vector ends at point C and second vector starts at point C.

This means that the resulting vector starts at point A and ends at point B

Hence, we have described all the 3 given vectors.

Page 7 Problem 19 Answer

Given :  Let A be the point with coordinates (1,0,2), let B be the point with coordinates (−3,3,1),and let C be the point with coordinates (2,1,5)

To find : Explain with pictures why AC+CB=AB

Evaluate to get the final answer

Let us plot a graph:

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 1 Vectors 19

Hence, the vector is solved with the help of a picture.

Page 7 Problem 20 Answer

Given : (1,2,1) and (0,−2,3),

To find : Calculate and graph (1,2,1)+(0,−2,3),−1(1,2,1), and 4(1,2,1)

Evaluate to get the final answer

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Let us calculate,




Hence, we have calculated and graphed the given vectors.

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Page 7 Problem 21 Answer

Given: The equation(−12,9,z)+(x,7,−3)=(2,y,5)

To find : Values of X,Y&Z

Apply addition of vectors to get the result.

Let us evaluate the given equation,





So, we get




And, z=8

Therefore, the required values of X,Y and Z are 14,16 and 8.

Page 7 Problem 22 Answer

Given: The vector (3,1)

To find : What is the length (magnitude) of the vector (3,1)

Use Pythagorous theorem to get the length.

Given: The vector (3,1)

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To find : What is the length (magnitude) of the vector (3,1)

Use Pythagorous theorem to get the length.

A vector  from a origin to point (3,1)

The length of the vector is d=√32+12=√10

Therefore, the required length of the vector is √10.

Page 7 Problem 23 Answer

Given : The vectors, a=(1,2) and b=(5,10)

To sketch: The vectors and explain why they point in the same direction.

Explain with the help of a graph.

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 1 Vectors 23

The graph of the given vectors a=(1,2) and  b=(5,10)

As we see in the graph

It is true that a and b point in the same direction, because b is a multiple of a.

So, we can say that : b=5a

Hence, a and b point in the same direction ,because b is a multiple of a.

Page 7 Problem 24 Answer

Given : a=(a1,a2,…,an)

b=(b1,b2,…,bn) are two vectors in  Rn  and k ∈ R is a scalar.To find : Add the vectors (1,2,3,4)

and (5,−1,2,0) in R4 and the value of 2(7,6,−3,1)

Evaluate to get the final solution.

We add vectors in any dimension : (1,2,3,4)+(5,−1,2,0)=(6,1,5,4)

When we multiply with scalar, we multiply each component:




Hence, the required solution is(1,2,3,4)+(5,−1,2,0)=(6,1,5,4)

And 2(7,6,−3,1)=(14,12,−6,2)

Page 7 Problem 25 Answer

Given : P1(1,0,2),P2(2,1,7)

To find:  Displacement vectors from P1 to P2

To sketch :  P1,P2, and P1/P2 .

Evaluate to get the final solution.

We can find displacement vector :


Where P1(x1,y1,z1) and P2(x2,y2,z2) are two points.

Let us solve now



Hence, the required solution Is P1/P2=(1,1,5)

Page 7 Problem 26 Answer

Given :  P1 (1,6,−1),P2 (0,4,2)

To find: Displacement vectors P1 to P2

To sketch : P1,P2 , and P1 /P2 .

Evaluate to get the final answer

We can find displacement vector as follows


Where P1(x1,y1,z1) and P2(x2,y2,z2)

Evaluating we get



​Hence, the required solution is P1/P2=(1,2,−3)

Page 7 Problem 27 Answer

Given : P1 (0,4,2),P2 (1,6,−1)

To find: The displacement vectors from P1 to P2

Evaluate to get the final answer.

We can find displacement vector :


Where P1(x1,y1,z1) and P2(x2,y2,z2)

We will do the evaluation now

P1/P2 =(0−1,4−6,2+1)


Hence, the required displacement vector P1/P2


Page 7 Problem 28 Answer

Given : P1(3,1),P2(2,−1)

To find : The displacement vectors from P1 to P2.

To sketch 😛1,P2 , and P1P2

Evaluate to get the final answer.

We can find displacement vector :


Where P1(x1,y1,z1) and P2(x2,y2,z2)

Evaluating we get



Hence, the required displacement vector is P1/P2=(1,2)

Page 7 Problem 29 Answer

Given : P1 (2,5,−1,6) and P2 (3,1,−2,7)

To calculate : The displacement vector from P1 to P2

Evaluate to get the final answer.

We can find displacement vector :

P1/P2=(x2−x1, y2−y1, z2−z1)

Where P1(x1,y1,z1) and P2(x2,y2,z2)

We define displacement the same way as in R3.

So Displacement:



hence, the required displacement is P1/P2


Page 7 Problem 30 Answer

Given : A is the point in R3 with coordinates (2,5,−6) The displacement vector from A to a second point B is (12,−3,7)

To find : Coordinates of B? Evaluate to get the final answer.

Let us find the coordinates of point B.

We can use displacement vector:

SupposeB=(x,y,z), then (12,−3,7)=(x−2,y−5,z+6)








Coordinates of B are: (14,2,1).

Hence, the coordinates of B are: (14,2,1).

Page 7 Problem 31 Answer

Given : Suppose that you and your friend talking on cellular phones.

You inform each other of your own displacement vectors.

To explain : How to determine the displacement vector from you to your friend.

Evaluate to get the final solution.

Let coordinate system represents origin.

Then, our displacements vectors coincide with our coordinates.

Thus, a⃗=A and   b⃗=B.

Now, we find the displacement vector as


Hence, the required displacement vector is d⃗=B−A

Page 7 Problem 32 Answer

Given: Properties 2 and 3 of vector addition.

To find : Give the details of the proofs of properties Two vectors can be added together by placing them together.

Let us evaluate





=(a1+b1,a2+b2, =a3+b3)+(c1,c2,c3)


Further evaluating,a+0=





Hence, we have given the details of the proofs of properties 2 and 3 of vector addition(a+b)+c.

Page 7 Problem 33 Answer

Given: Properties of scalar multiplication

To prove : The properties of scalar multiplication Evaluate to get the final answer.

We can prove this as follows






Hence, we have proved the properties of scalar multiplication.

Page 7 Problem 34 Answer

Given: A vector a in R2 or R3.To Find: Calculate the value of 0a and prove the answer.

By doing scalar multiplication of vector a, we can calculate the value.

Firstly,0a is zero vector in R2 or R3 depending on where a came from.

A zero vector is a vector having a magnitude of zero.





Therefore, 0a is a zero vector having magnitude 0.

Page 7 Problem 35 Answer

Given: A vector a in R2 and R3.To Find: The value of 1a

and prove the answer. By doing the scalar multiplication, we can calculate the value.

From Scalar multiplication, we know that the value of 1a is a.





Therefore, the required value of 1a is a.

Page 7 Problem 36 Answer

Given: A vector x=sa+tb where 0≤s≤1 and 0≤t≤1,along with the coordinates of a and b.

To Explain: The reason for vector x lying in the parallelogram determined by a and b.

A sketch of the vectors described will help in determining the answer.

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A simple sketch explains why the vectors of the described set are in fact a parallelogram.

The most distant point from (0,0) you can reach with vectors a and b is exactly the end point of vector g=a+b.

On the other hand, using any other, smaller coefficients on a and b will land the new vector somewhere inside or on the edge of parallelogram depending on what coefficients we use.

For example, vector 0.5a+0.2b will be inside of parallelogram since both coefficients in front of a and b are smaller then l.

On the other hand, vector 0.5a+b will have it’s end point on the edge of parallelogram since the coefficient in front of b is equal to 1.

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Therefore, we have explained the reason for x lying in the parallelogram determined by a and b.

Page 7 Problem 37 Answer

Given: A set of vectors, {x=sa+tb∣0≤s≤1,0≤t≤1} along with the coordinates of a and b.

To Describe: The set of vectors, {x=sa+tb∣0≤s≤1,0≤t≤1}.

From the coordinates of a and b, we know that the given vector is in 3-D, so we can explain accordingly.

The explanation is similar to the part a) of the task.

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The only difference is that we now have two vectors in 3-D space.

However, any linear combination of these two vectors with the coefficients being between zero and one will again yield a parallelogram, but this time in three dimensional space.

Therefore, we have described the given set of vectors.

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