Susan Colley Vector Calculus 4th Edition Chapter 3 Exercise 3.1 Vector-Valued Functions

Vector Calculus 4th Edition Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions

Page 200 Problem 1 Answer

Given: {​x=tcost  y=tsint,−6π≤t≤6π }

To sketch the images of the following paths.

Using the method of graphing method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To sketch the images of the following paths,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 1

The path is parametrized to start at the left end and then follows that spiral-ish curve around to the rightmost end point.

The graph of the function,

Susan Colley Vector Calculus 4th Edition Chapter 3 Exercise 3.1 Vector-Valued Functions

Page 200 Problem 2 Answer

Given: {​x=3cost y=2sin2t}​0≤t≤2π

To sketch the images of the following paths.

Using the method of graphing method.

Read and Learn More Susan Colley Vector Calculus Solutions

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To sketch the images of the following paths,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 2

The path is parametrized to start at (3,0) and head upward from there – – coming back to its starting point after 1 lap.

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 2 1

Page 200 Problem 3 Answer

Given: x(t) = (t,3t2+1,0)

To sketch the images of the following paths.

Using the method of graphing method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To sketch the images of the following paths,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 3

This is a parabola in the xy-plane parametrizes to go in the direction of increasing x.

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 3 1

Page 200 Problem 4 Answer

Given: x(t) = (3t−5)i+(2t+7)j

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths.

Using the method of speed method.

The speed of an article is the pace of progress of its situation regarding an edge of reference, and is a component of time.

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths,

v(t) = x′(t) = 3i+2j

∥v(t)∥ = √32+22


a(t) ⇒ v′(t)=0

The velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths is 0.

Page 200 Problem 5 Answer

Given: x(t) = 5costi+3sintj

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths.

Using the method of speed method.

The speed of an article is the pace of progress of its situation regarding an edge of reference, and is a component of time.

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths,

v(t) ⇒ x′(t) = −5sinti+3costj

∥v(t)∥ ⇒ √(5sint)2 + (3cost)2 = √25sin2t + 9cos2t

a(t) ⇒ v′(t)= −5costi−3sintj= −x(t)

The velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths is −x(t).

Page 200 Problem 6 Answer

Given: x(t) = (tsint,tcost,t2)

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths.

Using the method of speed method.

The speed of an article is the pace of progress of its situation regarding an edge of reference, and is a component of time.

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths,

v(t) ⇒ x′(t) = (sint+tcost,cost−tsint,2t)

∥v(t)∥ ⇒ √(sint+tcost)2 + (cost−tsint)2 + (2t)2

= √5t2+1

a(t) = (cost+cost−tsint,−sint−sint−tcost,2)

= 2(cost,−sint,1)−t(sint,cost,0)

2(cost,−sint,1)−t(sint,cost,0) is the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths.

Page 200 Problem 7 Answer

Given: x(t)=(et,e2r,2et)

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths.

Using the method of speed method.

The speed of an article is the pace of progress of its situation regarding an edge of reference, and is a component of time.

To find the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths,

v(t) = x′(t) ⇒ (et,2e2t,2et)

= x(t) + (0,e2t,0)

∥v(t)∥ ⇒ √(et)2+(2e2t)2+(2et)2=et


a(t) ⇒ v′(t)=x′(t)+(0,2e2t,0)

= x(t) + (0,3e2t,0)

x(t) + (0,3e2t,0) is the velocity, speed, and acceleration of the paths.

Page 200 Problem 8 Answer

Given: x(t) = (3cosπt,4sinπt,2t),−4≤t≤4

To find the direction in which t increases.

Using the method of speed method.

The speed of an article is the pace of progress of its situation regarding an edge of reference, and is a component of time.

To find the direction in which t increases,

The plotted point is,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 8

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 8 1

Page 200 Problem 9 Answer

Given: x(t) = (3cosπt,4sinπt,2t),−4≤t≤4

To find the path lies on the given surface S.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the path lies on the given surface,


9 + y(t)2

16 =1,for x(t)=3cosπt, y(t)

= 4sinπt

The points lie on the surface4sinπt.

Page 200 Problem 10 Answer

Given: x(t) = (tcost,tsint,t),−20≤t≤20

To find the direction in which t increases.

Using the method of graphing method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the direction in which t increases,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 10

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 10 1

Page 200 Problem 11 Answer

Given: x(t) = (tcost,tsint,t),−20≤ t ≤20

To find the path lies on the given surface S.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the path lies on the given surface,

z2 = x2 + y2

⇒ t2cos2t + t2sin2t

The path lies on the given surface is t2.

Page 200 Problem 12 Answer

Given: x(t)= (tsin2t,tcos2t,t2),−6≤t≤6

To find the graph of function.

Using the method of graphing method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the graph of function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 12

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 12 1

Page 200 Problem 13 Answer

Given: x(t) = (tsin2t, tcos2t,t2), −6≤t≤6

To find the path lies on the given surface.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign

To find the path lies on the given surface,

z = x2+y2 ⇒ t2

= t2sin22t + t2cos22t

t2sin22t + t2cos22t is the path lies on the given surface.

Page 201 Problem 14 Answer

Given: x(t)=(2cost, 2sint, 3sin8t), 0≤t≤2π

To find the plotted points.

Using the method of graphing method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the plotted points,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 14

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 14 1

Page 200 Problem 15 Answer

Given: x(t) = (2cost, 2sint, 3sin8t), 0≤t≤2π

To find the path lies on the given surface S.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the path lies on the given surface,

To check if the curve lies on the given surface, we once again plug in the coordinate equations of the curve into the equation for the surface:

x2 + y2= 4 ⇒ 4cos2t + 4sin2t = 4

The path lies on the given surface is 4.

Page 201 Problem 16 Answer

Given: x(t) = 4costi − 3sintj + 5tk, t=π/3

To find the equation for the line tangent to the given path at the indicated value for the parameter.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the equation for the line tangent to the given path at the indicated value for the parameter,

l(t) = x(π/3) + (t−π/3)x′(π/3)

l(t) = 2i−3√3/2j + 5π/3k + (t−π/3)(−2√3/i−32j+5k)

l(t) = 2i−3√3/2j + 5π/3k + (t−π/3)(−2√3/i−32j+5k)

is the equation for the line tangent to the given path at the indicated value for the parameter.

Page 201 Problem 17 Answer

Given: x(t) = (cos(et),3−t2,t)

To find the equation for the line tangent to the given path at the indicated value for the parameter.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the equation for the line tangent to the given path at the indicated value for the parameter,

l(t) = x(1) + (t−1) x ′(1)

= (cos(e), 3−1,1) + (t−1) (−sin(e) e,3−2,1)

= (cos(e)+sin(e)−tsin(e),1+t,t)

(cos(e)+sin(e)−tsin(e),1+ t,t) is the equation for the line tangent to the given path at the indicated value for the parameter.

Page 201 Problem 18 Answer

Given: x(t)=(t,t3−2t+1)

To find the sketch of the path.

Using the method of graphing method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the sketch of the path,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 18

The graph of the function,

Vector Calculus, 4th Edition, Chapter 3 Vector-Valued Functions 18 1

Page 201 Problem 19 Answer

Given: t=2

To find the line tangent.

Using the method of vector method.

A vector field in the plane can be visualized as a gathering of indicators with a distributed importance each attached to a point in the plane.

To find the line tangent,

Xo ⇒ X(2)=2i^+[3⋅(2)3−2⋅(2)+1]j^

Xo = 2i^+5j^


V ⇒ X′(t)=1i^+(6t−2)j^

Vo ⇒ X′(2)=1i^+(6⋅2−2)j^

I(t) = 2i^+5j^+(t−2)(1i^+10j^)

I(t) = ti^+10t−15j^

I(t) = ti^+10t−15j^ is the tangent line.

Page 201 Problem 20 Answer

Given: y=f(x)

To find the image of x by an equation of the form.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the image of x by an equation of the form,

Elimination of  text (converting vector valued function to scalar function)

text t=x, y=3t3−2t+1,

y = 3×3−2x+1

y = 3×3−2x+1 is the image form for value.

Page 201 Problem 21 Answer

Given: Tangent line.

To find the recalculating the tangent line, using your result in part (c).

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the recalculating the tangent line, using your result in part (c),



⇒ 10x−15 which is compatible with I(t) obtained.

y=10x−15 which is compatible.

Page 201 Problem 22 Answer

Given: Roger Ramjet.

To find the Roger Ramjet’s path in Example 6 is indeed a parabola.

Using the method of equation method.

A condition is an explanation that attests the uniformity of two articulations, which are associated by the equivalents sign.

To find the Roger Ramjet’s path in Example 6 is indeed a parabola,

x ⇒ tv0 cosθ ⇒ t=x

v0 cosθ y=−1/2gx2




The trajectory is indeed a parabola.

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